I'm grateful that you're here.
Like you, I am a student and my subject is presence. I am a passionate student of the many pathways which lead us (back)
into conscious awareness.
Through the daily practice of yoga and meditation, I can support you to reduce stress and heal trauma at all levels of your being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - allowing you to embrace the source of wellbeing and aliveness that dwells within.
By regularly setting aside some time to practice introspection and self-inquiry you will gain a deeper level of understanding and acceptance of the world inside and around you.
The intention is to offer you a safe space to cultivate peace, calm and serenity, enabling you to find the answers within to move you towards optimal health and greater wellbeing.
- Hannah

"When I think of someone who really embodies the practice of mindfulness, I mean lives and breathes it, Hannah is always the first person I think of"
- Melissa O'Brien,
Host of The Mindfulness Summit
Founder of www.mindfulness.com